Chandipura Virus Symptoms

Chandipura Virus: Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

India is facing a lot of deadly diseases, such as the Chandipura virus, Zika virus and so on. The virus belongs to the Rhabdoviridae family, and the spread of these viruses is not good for the youth. However, the Virus is spreading rapidly and leading to death. In India, 40 death cases are registered due to the virus. It mainly harms children below the age of 15.

According to reports, this virus is the biggest outbreak in the last twenty years. The virus was first discovered in India and slowly spread to all the subcontinents. Other than Chandipura, many other viruses are spreading this year. However, the reason behind these viruses is climate change, which is causing Zika, dengue, Nipah, and more. One common thing is that they all are mosquito-borne diseases. 


Chandipura virus origin in Maharashtra, India. The name Chandipura is a village name and the virus was first found in 1965 in that village. However, the disease was not deadly before 2003. In that year, the virus infected Andhra Pradesh and led to the death of 183 children. The cases were later registered in Gujarat in 2005, and almost 25 cases and high-death cases were registered in the year. 

Moreover, in 1991, the Virus spread to other countries such as West Africa, Sri Lanka, and more. In early 2020, cases of this Virus were registered in Pakistan and Bangladesh. The death cases occurred in the region where there were limited healthcare departments. 

The highest number of cases was seen in 2024, almost two decades after 2005. But this year, the outbreak is higher than ever, and in two months, it led to 45 deaths in Gujarat. The virus has also spread to Rajasthan’s Dungrupur. 

Symptoms and Transmission of Chandipura Virus

In 2024, the virus spread to two states: Gujarat and Rajasthan. But, no death cases were registered in Rajasthan. The symptoms of the Chandipura Virus infection initially cause respiratory issues and lead to severe complications. 

1. Fever

2. Headaches

3. Fatigue

4. Body and muscle aches

5. Vomiting

6. Convulsions

The virus transmits through various modes, primarily through mosquitoes, ticks, and sandflies. These are the same mosquitoes responsible for the Zika virus, Dengue, Nipah, and more. Secondary modes of transmission are contact with an infected person or fluid. It also spreads through cough and sneeze. 

Prevention of Chandipura Virus Infection

Some of the major prevention of the virus are:

1. Wash your hands regularly with handwash, especially after coming from outside. Also, sanitize your hands before eating something. 

2. Stay away from the infected person and wild animals. The virus does not infect domestic animals as there are fewer chances of infection. Avoid contacting animals, mainly in coastal areas.

3. Wear gloves and a mask if you encounter an infected person or animal. This helps to reduce the transmission of the infection. Also, try to avoid non-vegetarian foods in the market. 

4. When going out to play, wear full-sleeved clothes and avoid playing in mud and dirt. This is because flies, such as mosquitoes and sandflies, roam around the area. In the monsoon season, the infectors become highly active.

5. Use insect repellants such as mosquito nets, sprays, and creams. This helps reduce the chances of the primary mode of transmission. The house’s doors and windows should also close during the day as they become highly activated.

Treatment of Chandipura Virus Infection

There has been no specific treatment for this virus until now. This means that no vaccine or antiviral medicines have been introduced yet. However, consult the doctor and take precautions if you have the symptoms. Isolate yourself so the infection does not spread to another person or animal. 

Prevention is important so that one can save oneself. Without treatment, the patients are still recovering. So, follow them and recover. 

Management Tips

Some management tips for this virus include contacting the doctor immediately if you develop respiratory illness symptoms. The major symptoms are high fever, vomiting, and headaches. Doctors will ask you to rest, drink water, isolate, and more. 

Furthermore, if you have severe vomiting, keep yourself hydrated. Anticonvulsants can control serious seizures. If you have a high fever, take an antibiotic to reduce the body temperature. If the patient develops respiratory and neurological complications, take proper care. 

Final Line

The Chandipura Virus origin is Chandipura, Maharashtra, India. However, the first case was registered in 1965 and spread to other sub-continents. The virus symptoms are high fever, headaches, vomiting and seizures. The precautions are important to take on time; otherwise, it can lead to death or coma. It affects the children below the age of 15. Preventions are important to take. 

Also Read Now:- Zika Virus Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Prevention

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