Content Management System

Content Management System: Features, Examples, and More

Managing content has become an important part of our daily lives. When I talk about content, that does not mean something that is only written. It is related to anything we upload on the internet, such as blogs, videos, podcasts and more. After uploading content, you need to make changes to it. That’s where the Content Management System (CMS) comes in. 

Imagine you have no technical knowledge or skill, and you have to create and edit the content. What will you do? So, you will simply use the CMS. Instead of spending money on developers to create a website and manage its content, you can create your management system with the help of available tools. Let’s learn more about CMS in detail. 

What is a Content Management System?

A content management system (CMS) is software that helps users create, organise, manage, and modify content without any technical expertise requirement such as programming langauge. It allows you to manage the graphics, websites, and other digital content. The best part about CMS is that it allows the whole team to work on a single dashboard. 

Furthermore, if you don’t edit it or add updated information after publishing content, it may become irrelevant to the users. So, with the help of CMS, you can make your website and the information relevant and up-to-date. It also helps you save time that you spend on auditing and optimising. Without a content management system, you need to write the codes, which can be complicated for non-coders. 

Features of Content Management System

Here are some of the best CMS features that are important to note. Let’s check them out:

1. Content creation

Besides written content, CMS allows you to create, edit, optimise, and manage all types of content, such as video, audio, podcasts, and others. You can update or add more information to the content. It helps in ranking your website at the top of the search engine. 

2. Digital asset management

You can easily get all the information stored in a single place on a content management system. It makes the content easy to find and use for purposes. It also manages digital information present on a website and saves it in a sequence which is easier for users. 

3. Content delivery

With the help of CMS, you can draft, schedule, and publish your content on various platforms. If you have any meetings and cannot publish the content on time, you can schedule one. Furthermore, you can also draft the content for future use. 

4. Template and theme 

Some of the best CMS provides over 100 templates and themes for pages. It allows you to design pages according to your interests. It allows you to change the theme even after the website is online. However, it changes the loading speed of your site. 

Benefits of Content Management System

One should only use CMS after knowing its benefits. CMS offers major benefits which is beneficial for your website and its users. 

1. It offers many plugins, optimisation tools, and SEO. When you open your CMS, you may find the optimisation tools and SEO while doing on-page. You do not need programming languages to make the pages because plugins are available in the CMS. 

2. It is user-friendly and does not require code such as HTML or CSS. With the help of a host, you can create your website and manage the content with the help of CMS. Upload the content on web pages and, with the help of the content editor, edit them on time. 

3. CMS helps grow all types of business. The editing option can enhance the website’s content management. It also allows the content creators to spend less time on the publication process and can generate high-quality content through the software. 

Examples of Content Management System

CMS is important for non-coders as it manages content without HTML or CSS. When we talk about examples, the WordPress content management system comes to the top. It is one of the best CMS. Let’s check out some of the best CMS providers:

  • WordPress
  • Drupal
  • Optimizely CMS
  • Contentful
  • Squarespace
  • Wix
  • Joomla
  • Hubspot
  • TYPO3
  • Ghost
  • Magento
  • Backdrop CMS
  • Headless CMS
  • Adobe Commerce
  • Webflow
  • BigCommerce
  • Sitecore
  • Contao
  • Blogger
  • Magnolia
  • Adobe Experience Manager

Websites You Can Build With CMS

With the help of CMS providers, you can easily build any website. It comes with multiple plugins, pages, and SEO features. They allow you to edit and optimise the content effortlessly. So, let’s check the types of website CMS builds for you:

  • Static websites
  • Blogs
  • eCommerce stores
  • Forums
  • Social networks
  • Online courses
  • Membership sites
  • Portfolios

Bottom Line

The content management system is a software which is helpful for people who have no technical expertise. It is possible if you are a non-coder and want to build and design your website’s pages. However, CMS is required to work effectively. It features content creation, content delivery, templates and themes, plugins, SEO tools, and more. 

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Arushi Chaturvedi

I'm an enthusiastic content writer who makes information interesting and easy to understand. I can write any topic from sports to technology and make it fun to read. Also good at using internet to make sure people can find my writing easily. If you reach here and still reading, I am your person.